As I write, England is one week away from 'Step 3' of the removal of COVID related social restrictions. This includes the reopening of "... indoor entertainment such as museums, theatres and cinemas"!
Vue has already confirmed their intention to reopen, with a new set of precautions in place. Cineworld have also announced their reopening in the US and the UK.
This step feels special. It is far more than the renewed ability to watch a play, a gig or a film. It provides the opportunity to start sharing experiences. It feels like we really are beginning to get 'back to normal'.
As they often do, Marvel have channelled their inner Stan Lee to sum it up beautifully in a short film that does far more than plug their upcoming movies. It affirms that the industry is ready to start re-committing to investment and release dates. To give us things to look forward to. To allow us to get excited for the future of entertainment once more.
It remains to be seen how quickly the wider cinema-going public embrace the opportunity to experience a movie the way it was intended to be seen. We can't wait.
The number of movie posters for the 2021 releases also continues to build. You can see which ones we have available here.
Adam and the Art of the Movies team.

I know what you mean Paul!
Godzilla v Kong should be a treat on the big screen – Enjoy!
It seems like I’ve been hitting the refresh button on the Odeon website for months and today i finally hit gold. Godzilla v Kong next Tuesday, booked. Can’t wait.