Previous entries in the Original Movie Posters Blog have explained the names and sizes of posters from the many movie producing countries.
We have now moved on to provide handy downloadable Infographics. Each of these covers a single country and shows the main poster types to-scale alongside average size people. Sizes are given in inches and centimetres, together with the usual orientations.
Each Infographic provides a convenient reference summing up the main formats of that country's movie posters.
Having already published Infographics for the U.S., U.K. and Italy, next up we cover the land of the fantastic Grande movie poster - France.
A PDF version is available for download below.
French Movie Poster Names and Sizes Infographic
If you'd like a more in-depth look at French Movie Posters, please do take a look at this earlier post.
We hope that you find these useful and that they inspire you to explore the many movie poster formats from around the world. We always have a wide range available within our Catalogue. You can even filter the list by specific countries. Why not take a look?
We hope you find something you love.
Adam and the Art of the Movies team.