Fantastic original movie posters from Art of the Movies



I Won't Give Up The Day Job, Just Yet...

How many of us have sat staring at a movie poster wishing that we could be part of the movie? 

I have.

I'm sure many of you have too.

That's what great films and TV are for, right? To let us dream and to let our imaginations run wild.

We've been doing just that watching "The Dark Crystal : Age of Resistance" on Netflix. Before it premiered, we had our chance to take a close up look at the production of this landmark show and to star, if only for a few seconds, in our own small clip... 

Intro Thra: A NetFlix Exhibition

Bringing together sets, puppets and behind the scenes peaks from the production, the exhibition 'Into Thra' at London's British Film Institute (BFI) marked the release of NetFlix's ground-breaking series based on 1982's "The Dark Crystal".

We were lucky enough to visit and here are some of our photographic highlights, showing the phenomenal detail that went in to every piece of this astonishing series.


The Skeksis lords feasting from Dark Crystal Age of Resistance


Deet from Dark Crystal Age of Resistance


Brea from Dark Crystal Age of Resistance


Dark Crystal Age of Resistance


Finally, our highlight, the chance to actually star in our own Dark Crystal clip and voice over one of the characters. Guess which one we are...



So, whilst we were pleased with it, I doubt NetFlix will be calling anytime soon, so we'll crack on with finding more fantastic original movie posters.

We'll close this blog post with a few words from the puppet master himself, Jim Henson, talking of "The Dark Crystal" and reminding us that the best things in life are worth struggling for.


Adam and the Art of the Movies team.


 A quote by Jim Henson on The Dark Crystal



Fantastic original movie posters from Art of the Movies

1 comment

  • I created the voice over booth and its really good to see how you have used the footage. It was a great event and unfortunately I have finished my crate of free branded dark crystal beer.

    Martin Gomez

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