In 2010 Avatar blitzed the previous record to become the highest grossing film of all time. In 2019, Avengers: Endgame inched past and has held the title for the past two years.
Whilst cinemas and movie theatres around the world remain closed, they are currently open in a lot of Asian countries, with China currently topping the box office charts. So, with few new films being released, what better time to re-release a modern classic?
On Saturday, Avatar's box office total reached $2.802M. Enough for it to reclaim its crown as the highest grossing film of all time.
Since records began, only eleven films have held the title. How many can you name?
To help, here is a timeline showing when each film held the title...

You can find the answers below (no cheating!)

How many did you film buffs get?
Congratulations to Avatar, a tremendous movie.
Director James Cameron is currently working on four Avatar sequels. In September he announced that Avatar 2 and 3 were nearly in the bag, with the first due to hit the big screen towards the end of 2022. We can't wait!
Adam and the Art of the Movies team.