Over the past few years, we have all become more aware of the impact that we have on the small planet we call Earth.
Looking at ourselves, while we are a small family run business, we source original movie posters from all over the world and while they do not weigh much, they often travel thousands of miles to us.
So, we thought we should try and redress the balance.
In 2021 we approached Ecologi, an environmental organisation who fund climate positive projects around the world.
We were attracted by their simple mission and their commitment to transparency.
We are very proud to announce that ever since March 2021, every order that you have placed with us has enabled us to fund tree planting – and we will continue to do this for each and every order that we receive.
We are really proud of the difference that we and you (our poster loving customers) are making. Here is our tree total to date!
Where are we planting trees?
Madagascar, of course!
[Note: As of Q2 2022, we are also funding planting in Kenya, Mozambique and Uganda. But the vast majority of our trees are in Madagascar, so that is where we will focus.]
Madagascar is more than just the island from the animated movie. It’s a nation with over 200,000 species of plants and animals that do not exist anywhere else in the world. But more than 90% of Madagascar’s original forests have been destroyed, displacing entire animal species and taking away the Malagasy’s ability to farm and live on the land. Entire mangrove estuaries are gone, leaving the bare earth to wash away into the sea.
Every Art of the Movies order helps fund the non-profit Eden Reforestation Projects as they continue to reforest the island. Eden are world leaders in responsible reforestation, having already planted 265 million trees and created 2.6 million work days for local communities.
Ecologi has their own designated land, to the north west of the island, near Marataola. Here we are helping them plant in an area of 1,354 hectares (about 180 km2).
Are the trees being planted varied and native species?
They sure are! Monoculture forests and non-native species do not fall under the category of responsible reforestation.
The species planted in Madagascar are:
- Avicinia marina
- Rhizophora mucronata
- Ceriops tagal
- Bruguiera gymnoohiza
How much carbon do these trees absorb?
Reforestation is widely understood as a major natural climate solution. From an ecological point of view we are only just grasping the cost of what life is like without trees.
With our mangrove trees they capture up to four times as much carbon per acre than tropical rainforests. Three quarters of tropical fish rely on their root systems for nurseries and shelter.
How do I know that you are really helping to fund these projects?
That’s easy! You can check out our own page on the Ecologi website. It shows how many trees we are planting each day.
We could not do this without the support of you, our movie poster loving friends.
Thank you.
Adam and the Art of the Movies team.