Here at Art of the Movies, we track down stunning Original Vintage and Contemporary Movie Posters from all over the world.
When we started, the list of International poster formats seemed end less.
But, as with most things in life, a little perseverance goes a long way. It wasn't long before we knew our Locandina from our Insert and our Pantalon from our Tatekan.
In previous posts in our 'Poster Names and Sizes' series we've provided details on poster formats from the U.S., the U.K., France, Italy, Japan and Australia.
However, perhaps aptly for a blog that focusses on Original Movie Posters, we are well aware that a picture paints a thousand words.
So, in this and the next few posts in the series, we are providing free Infographics on the movie poster formats from each of the main movie poster producing countries.
In this, the first Infographics post, we cover posters from the United States.
You'll find the Infographic below. It covers all of the main poster formats, including those that are no longer in use. We have included silhouettes showing average sized people (roughly five and a half feet to six feet tall) to give a sense of scale. All sizes are given in imperial inches and metric centimetres.
You can download a PDF version below. They have been designed to print well on standard A4 / Letter sized paper.
We hope you find these useful, we've really enjoyed putting them together.
U.S. Poster Names and Sizes - PDF version
You can read more about U.S. Movie Poster Formats, in our previous blog post.
If you are interested in Original Movie Posters from the U.S., don't forget that you can filter our Catalogue by selecting 'U.S.' from the drop-down list. You'll find lots of fantastic posters there!
We hope you find something you love.
Adam and the Art of the Movies team.