Fantastic original movie posters from Art of the Movies



Polish Movie Poster Quiz - How Many Can You Recognise?

In last week's blog post we provided a brief introduction to Polish movie posters and we also promised you a Polish movie poster quiz, so, here you go!

How many can you identify? (No cheating!)

Polish Movie Poster Quiz

Below you will find twenty original Polish movie posters for English language films from the second half of the twentieth century.

You will know ALL of the films but some of the posters are easier to identify than others.

Where the English title was very visible on the poster we have erased it, but to help, the posters are listed in alphabetical order of their English titles.

See how may you can get. We will publish the answers next week!




An original Polish movie poster for an English language film of the second half of the twentieth century



An original Polish movie poster for an English language film of the second half of the twentieth century



An original Polish movie poster for an English language film of the second half of the twentieth century










An original Polish movie poster for an English language film of the second half of the twentieth century



An original Polish movie poster for an English language film of the second half of the twentieth century


An original Polish movie poster for an English language film of the second half of the twentieth century




An original Polish movie poster for an English language film of the second half of the twentieth century









An original Polish movie poster for an English language film of the second half of the twentieth century


An original Polish movie poster for a western twentieth century film


An original Polish movie poster for an English language film of the second half of the twentieth century


An original Polish movie poster for an English language film of the second half of the twentieth century









An original Polish movie poster for an English language film of the second half of the twentieth century


An original Polish movie poster for an English language film of the second half of the twentieth century


An original Polish movie poster for an English language film of the second half of the twentieth century


An original Polish movie poster for an English language film of the second half of the twentieth century


An original Polish movie poster for an English language film of the second half of the twentieth century


An original Polish movie poster for an English language film of the second half of the twentieth century


An original Polish movie poster for an English language film of the second half of the twentieth century


An original Polish movie poster for an English language film of the second half of the twentieth century









An original Polish movie poster for an English language film of the second half of the twentieth century


How did you do? Answer's next week!


Adam and the Art of the Movies team.




Fantastic original movie posters from Art of the Movies

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