Fantastic original movie posters from Art of the Movies



EMPIRE Magazine's 100 Greatest Movies of the Twenty-First Century (So Far!)...

In their March 2020 edition, the superb EMPIRE magazine chose their ‘100 Greatest Movies of the Century (so far!)’.

We were quite surprised by their number one pick…

Studying medicine isn’t the usual route in to film-making, but that is exactly what George Miller did before embarking on a career in film. His feature length directorial debut “Mad Max” would win him plaudits and lead to two 1980 sequels, including the memorable “Mad Max: Into the Thunderdome” with a fine performance by Tina Turner.

We would have to wait a further thirty years for “Mad Max: Fury Road” to reach the big screen. When it did, it introduced us to Tom Hardy as a new ‘Mad Max Rockatansky’ and Charlize Theron as war captain ‘Imperator Furiosa’ in a non-stop riot of post-apocalyptic action.

EMPIRE describe it as an “… action masterpiece …” that “… rides eternal, shiny and chrome, in to the top spot” of their ‘100 Greatest Movies of the Century (So Far!)’.


An original movie poster for the film Mad Max Fury Road


That set us thinking, which would be our top film?

It has to be Todd Philip’s “Joker”, with a unique and mesmerising performance by Joaquin Phoenix.


An original movie poster for the film Joker An original movie poster for the film Joker


Reading through the rest of EMPIRE’s top 100 reminds us how many fantastic films there have been in the first twenty years of the twenty-first century.

Here are just a few of them. Here’s to many more.


An original movie poster for the film Ratatouille


An original movie poster for the film Avatar


An original movie poster for the Banksy film Exit Through the Gift Shop


An original movie poster for the Marvel film Guardians of the Galaxy


An original movie poster for the Tarantino film Django Unchained


An original movie poster for the Pixar film UP


An original movie poster for the film La La Land



An original movie poster for the film Gladiator


An original movie poster for the batman film The Dark Knight


An original movie poster for the film Avengers Infinity War


An original movie poster for the Tarantino film Once Upon A Time In Hollywood


An original movie poster for the film Spider-Man Into the Spiderverse

An original movie poster for the film Whiplash


We are off to customise the Ford Focus. Perhaps a skull and a flame thrower will make it more Mad Max like…



Adam and the Art of the Movies team.


Fantastic original movie posters from Art of the Movies

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